Centenary Holdings acknowledge that there is always a difference between the price of an asset and its value, and that knowing the difference is the key to achieving satisfactory investment returns. The company's investment model, including the concept of always requiring a margin of safety, has as its foundation the principles that Benjamin Graham laid out in Security Analysis (1934) and The Intelligent Investor (1949), with many valuable building blocks laid atop that foundation by successful practitioners of the value philosophy, such as Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Sir John Templeton, Prem Watsa, Mason Hawkins, Bill Ruane, Seth Klawman, and others.
The hedging component of the fund is based on the belief that, if hedging is carried out strategically, it can contribute immensely to the goal of protecting against major setbacks. This belief is based on the recognition that, even though a portfolio may consist of undervalued equities and securities, the indiscriminate selling that takes place during sharp market declines can lead to drawdowns in portfolio value that are very uncomfortable for most investors.
The company will aim to optimise the relationship between capital preservation and profit, or risk and reward, where risk is defined as the probability of permanent loss of capital. The fund's risk-management discipline has four main components:
- Stock/Company selection based on sound value investing principles, including a large margin of safety between price and value.
- Moderate diversification of firm-specific risk.
- Mitigation of systematic risk through hedging strategies.
- A prohibition on the use of leverage to enhance returns.
While the company's investment decisions will not depend on economic forecasts - internal and/or external - prudent management dictates that there be an awareness of the economic landscape and, in the rare instances when economic conditions have relatively clear implications for investments, the company take steps accordingly to preserve capital.
Centenary Holdings will also strive to embody the spirit of continuous learning and improvement by paying close attention not only to results but, perhaps more importantly, to process, in the way remain flexible and innovative.
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